Galaxy Black

  • Material type: Natural Granite
  • Colour: Galaxy Black
  • Year: 2007
  • Location: Sudbury, Suffolk

Our popular Galaxy Black granite added a real sparkle to our client's stunning painted white shaker design.

Featuring a large island unit with curved ends, which incorporates a circular undermounted sink, this kitchen demonstrates how a classic cabinet design can take on a more contemporary feel through choice of appliances, accessories and worktop materials.

Galaxy Black is a dense black granite from India which features generously scattered copper flecks across the surface. This gives the surface a real 'wow' factor, particularly when the light brings out the reflective properties of this beautiful natural stone.

It is important to understand that there is huge variation in the quality of Galaxy Black (or Star Galaxy, as it is also known) on the market. Some of the quarried granite contains very little copper fleck, or has it concentrated only in certain patches of the block. Our stocks of Galaxy Black have consistent, medium copper flecks right across the surface of the slab.

We encourage all our customers to visit our yard to view and choose from our slabs of material, and we are confident that we only buy from the best quality sources of natural granite.

Kitchen installation by Baker & Baker.​


Great showroom, sales, advice and installation of worktop in a kitchen. Go to these people. (Google 5 star review)

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