Regency Fireplaces

The Regency period saw a more austere approach to the use of classical ornament that had previously received such widespread and unfettered interpretation by Robert Adam and his followers during the 18th century.

We supply and install the complete range of Chesneys fireplaces, including their surrounds, register grates, wood & multi-fuel stoves, gas stoves and electric fire baskets.

Chesneys Langley

A handsome Regency chimneypiece in statuary marble with fielded panels to the jambs and frieze, the former elegantly tapering downwards from corner blockings with crisply carved rosettes.

Chesneys Edinburgh

The Edinburgh features bowed reeded pilasters and conforming frieze with diagonal ribbons and finely carved paterae to the corner blocks.

Chesneys Regency Bullseye

An English stone chimneypiece of early 19th century design, having moulded jambs and frieze with bullseyes to the capitals.

Chesneys Marble Regency Bullseye

The simple lines of the Regency period make the Marble Regency Bullseye an ideal fireplace for contemporary interiors. Cushion moulded pilasters and simple bullseye paterae create an elegant and understated design.

Chesneys Reeded Regency Bullseye

A Regency style marble surround having reeded jambs and frieze with bullseye capitals.

Chesneys Albemarle

A neo-classical chimneypiece in statuary marble with carved centre tablet and corner blockings. The jambs and frieze panels are inlaid with Etruscan gold marble.

Chesneys Albany

A simple design in the manner of Sir John Soane with half round reeded jamb and frieze panels and plain corner blockings.

Chesneys Hartwell

An early 19th century chimneypiece in statuary marble with detached reeded columns terminating in finely carved capital mouldings beneath corner blocks displaying classical urns to match the carved centre tablet.

Chesneys Acanthus

Carved in statuary marble with long elegant tapering jambs terminating in stiff leaf acanthus corner blocks, fielded frieze panel surmounted by a reeded mantle shelf.

Chesneys Nash

Carved in statuary marble this is a design that makes sparing use of refined ornamentation and architectural detail to create a chimneypiece of understated elegance that will suit most interiors.

Chesneys Fairfax

An early 19th century limestone chimneypiece of strong and simple design featuring engaged ionic columns and plain fields to the corner blockings and entablature.



We were happy with the service we received from your company from start to finish. The fitters worked very hard throughout the day.

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