Georgian Fireplaces

Georgian fireplace design was based on the classical orders and followed strict rules of proportion whilst employing a rich and varied range of decorative devices.

We supply and install the complete range of Chesneys fireplaces, including their surrounds, register grates, wood & multi-fuel stoves, gas stoves and electric fire baskets.

Chesneys Alderney

Carved in limestone and based on a Queen Anne design, it combines a robust bolection moulding with a corniced shelf and will suit both period and contemporary interiors.

Chesneys Clandon

The Clandon fireplace, carved in limestone, is based on a Queen Anne design from the beginning of the 18th century.

Chesneys Northumberland

An 18th century neo-classical chimneypiece which shows the influence of Robert Adam.

Chesneys Chillington

A handsome Georgian chimneypiece that displays the popular 18th century device of inlaying a contrasting marble within a statuary marble field.

Chesneys Chichester

A mid 18th century chimneypiece with moulded dog leg jambs, a repeat frieze carved with stiff leaf acanthus and a corniced shelf featuring a tier of crisp egg and dart carving.

Chesneys Athenian

The Athenian is manufactured in statuary marble with Etruscan Gold centre tablet and ingrounds. This is a chimneypiece of strong architectural form and good proportions.

Chesneys Wessex

A bolection mould chimneypiece of generous proportions in Emperador marble.

Chesneys Palladian

A fine example of mid 18th Century design with robustly carved acanthus corbels with floral centre tablet with statuary marble ingrounds.

Chesneys Leverton

A mid 18th century chimneypiece in statuary marble with breakfront corniced shelf and incorporating a bolection moulding framing the aperture beneath a semi barrel frieze with plain projecting centre tablet.

Chesneys Blenheim

The Blenheim is a grand fireplace in the style of William Chambers. It has fluted pilasters with Ionic capitals and a frieze which incorporates a central tablet with an urn and foliage.

Chesneys Harwood

A limestone chimneypiece of early 18th century design with incised panels and a central keystone very often found in panelled rooms.

Chesneys Brettingham

An early 18th century Limestone chimneypiece with an architrave moulding with central keystone beneath a frieze with robustly carved swags of drapery suspended from medallions.

Chesneys Mansfield

A mid 18th century design of chimneypiece with robust console jambs beneath corner blocks carved with rosette, the frieze plain with a projecting central tablet beneath a carved breakfront shelf.

Chesneys Fitzroy

The Fitzroy chimneypiece was selected by the Georgian Group to replace a pair of chimneypieces lost from its headquarters in Fitzroy Square in central London.

Chesneys Kedleston

The Kedleston is a handsome chimneypiece that employs sparing detail to achieve its effect. The fluted frieze panels flank a plain centre tablet that sits beneath a breakfront corniced shelf.

Chesneys Stirling

A striking design of elegant simplicity with a strong architectural form, the Stirling incorporates a corniced mantel shelf and bolection moulding in the frieze and jambs.

Chesneys Repton

An impressive late 18th century Limestone chimneypiece of strong architectural form with crisply executed mouldings to the shelf and ingrounds and a plain projecting centre tablet.



I can only praise you all for your brilliant customer service and recommend anyone looking for a quality fire and fireplace to look no further than Ivett & Reed.

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